history of Alpha Kappa Psi


In 1904, Alpha Kappa Psi was founded on the principles of educating its members and the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals in business and to further the individual welfare of members during college and beyond.

College men and women everywhere are discovering that Alpha Kappa Psi is much more than just another organization or club—it is a unique, prestigious association of students, professors, graduates and professionals with common interests and goals. They join Alpha Kappa Psi to take advantage of valuable educational, friendship and networking opportunities.

With 13 regions spread across three countries and 2 continents, this fraternity is one of the largest professional fraternities in the world. There are nearly 240,000 initiated members and more than 300 chapters, today it continues to grow. With over a hundred years of history, the fraternity has touched millions of lives and taught both its members and the public to demand and appreciate higher ideals in business.


Core Values

In developing principled business leaders, Alpha Kappa Psi adheres to these lifetime values:

Brotherhood– Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship and aid to brothers is the expected norm

Knowledge – Education and experience is emphasized and shared

Service – Sharing of time, talent and treasure with society and with our fraternity is a priority

Integrity – All actions, whether in business or in life, are guided by honesty, ethics and fairness

Unity – A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future